USA - Rasmussen Reports poll: 46% in favour of death penalty, 28% against, 26% abstentions

USA - Rasmussen Reports

27 November 2022 :

Rasmussen Reports poll: 46% in favour of death penalty, 28% against, 26% abstentions.
A national poll by Rasmussen Reports found that fewer than 1/2 of American adults now support the death penalty. The surveyof 1000 American adults was conducted in a telephone and online survey October 16–17, 2022 and released November 10, 2022, found that 46% of respondents who were asked “Do you favor or oppose the death penalty?” said they favor capital punishment. 28 % of respondents told Rasmussen they oppose the death penalty and 26% said they weren’t sure.
The survey — also administered at the height of the American mid-term elections during a barrage of advertising that attempted to stoke voters’ fear of violent crime — nevertheless recorded a continuing decline in expressed support for capital punishment. Those saying they favored the death penalty fell by 17 % points from the 63% who favored capital punishment in Rasmussen’s June 2011 national survey. Death penalty support also fell by 3 % points from July 2019, when 49% of respondents told Rasmussen they favored the death penalty. Rasmussen also asked death penalty supporters 2 follow-up questions related to the perceived length of time capital cases remain in the legal system. Nearly 2/3 of death penalty supporters (64%) said they “favor carrying out death sentences in a more timely fashion.” 29% of those favoring the death penalty agreed with the statement that a “death sentence should be delayed as long as necessary to allow all legal appeals to be exhausted.” 7% said they weren’t sure.
Death penalty supporters were also asked if they believed their state carried out executions in a timely manner. 50% of death penalty supporters said no; 16% said yes; and 34% said they weren’t sure.
Less Than Half of Americans Support Death Penalty - Rasmussen Reports®


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