November 2, 2018: In a major verdict Sessions Judge SK Tekam on 31 October 2018 awarded capital punishment, ‘Hang till Death’ to a man for rape and killing a four-year-old girl. The convict was identified as Madan Lal Tekam. On March 14, 2015, Durgukondal police took the accused Madan Lal under custody after he was suspected to kill a four-year-old girl. When the body of the girl was recovered, the accused confessed of outraging her modesty before killing. Based on the evidences, his case was presented in session court and after a legal battle of two years, the court was convinced of the crime committed by the accused and he was convicted and awarded capital punishment. According to police sources, on March 13, 2015, the parents of the victim lodged their report at Durgukondal police that their four-year-old daughter had been missing. Based on the report, police started investigation and suspected Madan Lal who had visited the village Patri as guest. (Source: The Hitavada, 31/10/2018)