IRAN - Death row juvenile offender Ali Arjangi pays diya
June 30, 2021: Death row juvenile offender Ali Arjangi has escaped the death penalty after paying diya (blood money) to the victim’s family today. Charitable institutions and individuals helped raise the set diya amount. According to information obtained by Iran Human Rights, juvenile offender Ali Arjangi who was due to be executed in July, has managed to pay the diya amount set by the victim’s family today. Ali Arjangi who was sentenced to death for a murder he is accused of committing at 17, had been given until May 21 to come up with the diya amount set by the victim’s family. The deadline was extended to the end of July after his family failed to raise the set amount. He was hospitalised after attempting to commit suicide on June 12, but was transferred to solitary confinement just two days later. In January, Ali had told IHR that he was unable to afford the diya as his mother who is a single mother and disabled, had sold their worldly possessions and only managed to raise 20% of the requested amount. (Source: IHR)