IRAN - Birjand Central Prison |
IRAN - Omid Sarani executed in Birjand Prison on October 11
October 11, 2021: Omid Sarani executed in Birjand Prison on October 11. According to the Baluch Activists Campaign, a Baluch man was executed in Birjand Central Prison on the morning of October 11. His identity has been reported as Zabol-native, Omid Sarani, who was sentenced to death on drug-related charges. Omid Sarani is reported to have been in the military and arrested on carrying 30 kilograms of methamphetamine while crossing the Sahelabad Nehbandan checkpoint. At the time of writing, his execution has not been reported by domestic media or officials in Iran.
Iran Human Rights | Article: Omid Sarani Executed on Drug Charges in Birjand | (iranhr.net) (Source: IHR)