Mohamed Abdihakin Mohamed Salah Ganey |
October 26, 2023: The High Court of the Armed Forces in Somalia on October 25, 2023 upheld the death sentence for Constable Mohamed Abdihakin Mohamed Salah Ganey, who was convicted of murdering his fellow soldier. The sentenmce was confirmed by General Liban Ali Yarow, the Chairman of the High Court of the Armed Forces. Constable Ganey was found guilty of the fatal shooting of his compatriot, the late Constable Abdullahi Mohamed Abdulqadir. Both men served in the 22nd unit of the 23rd Somali National Armed Forces (SNA) Gungaar brigade. The incident took place in the Daynile district of the Banadir region on July 20, 2023. The case was initially heard by the First Degree Court of the Armed Forces, which, following an inquiry, ruled that Constable Ganey was culpable of a capital offence. “After careful consideration of the evidence and arguments from both parties, it was ascertained that Constable Mohamed Abdihakin Mohamed Salah Ganey committed the crime he was accused of,” stated the judge of the First Degree Court. The verdict of October 25 upheld the death sentence, reaffirming the severity of the crime committed. The Court allowed ample time for representations from both the defence and prosecution before arriving at its final decision. (Source: Halqabsi News, 25/10/2023)