IRAN - Man amputated of 4 fingers on July 17, 2023
February 8, 2024: February 8, 2024 - IRAN. Man amputated of 4 fingers on July 17, 2023 According to information recently received by Iran HRM, the Iranian judiciary carried out a medieval act of brutality on July 17, 2023. They implemented the verdict to sever the fingers of a man named Youssef T. in the Central Prison of Qom, on charges of stealing five sheep. This prisoner had been sentenced to the amputation of four fingers. According to reports from a reliable source, Youssef, a 34-year-old man, was accused of stealing five sheep from a livestock farm owned by a member of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Youssef was building a room on that farm. Throughout his 13-month imprisonment, he maintained his innocence and denied the theft charges. In yet another cruel and inhumane measure, the authorities and security agency of Qom Prison forced the inmates to witness the severing of the fingers of the prisoner. In September 2023, another prisoner in this prison had also faced the finger amputation. Additionally, seven inmates in Tehran’s Evin Prison are currently at imminent risk of undergoing the inhumane punishment of hand amputation. Iran HRM and IHR condemn these inhumane and unethical acts and calls for international pressure to eliminate medieval punishments, such as limb amputation, from the Iranian regime’s laws. The Iranian judiciary and Khamenei should be held accountable for these crimes. (Source: Iran HRM)