July 30, 2024: Mardan Anti-Terrorism Court (ATC) on July 27, 2024 convicted a man of committing blasphemy and sentenced him to death along with a fine of Rs100,000. Police officials said that an FIR was registered against the accused, Shahid alias Shayan, resident of Serai Mohallah, at Shergarh Police Station, under Sections 295-C, 109, 34 of the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC) and Sections 21-1 and 7 of the Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA). The ATC judge, Syed Aqeel Ejaz, on July 27 convicted Shahid alias Shayan and sentenced him to death, ordering that he be hanged by the neck until death. The judge also imposed a fine of Rs100,000, stating that in default of payment, the accused shall undergo six months of simple imprisonment. Additionally, Shahid alias Shayan was convicted under Section 7(g) of the Anti-Terrorism Act, receiving a sentence of two years of rigorous imprisonment and a fine of Rs30,000. In default of payment, he shall undergo one month of simple imprisonment. Both sentences will run concurrently, and the convict is given the benefit of Section 382-B of the Criminal Procedure Code (Cr.PC). The accused is currently in custody and has been sent to jail along with his conviction warrant. A reference under Section 374 of the CrPC will be submitted to the Peshawar High Court for confirmation of the death sentence. The death sentence shall not be executed until it is confirmed by the Peshawar High Court. (Source: The News, 28/07/2024)