IRAN - 48th week of the No to Execution Tuesdays campaign
December 24, 2024: December 24, 2024 - IRAN. 48th week of the No to Execution Tuesdays campaign continues in 28 prisons across Iran Prisoners throughout Iran are continuing the No to Execution Tuesdays campaign with hunger strikes on Tuesday, December 24, 2024. Meanwhile, several prisoners in Roudsar prison also declared their participation in this campaign last week, bringing the total number of prisons participating to 28. Today, the campaign issued a statement, congratulating the birth of Jesus Christ and writing: “In 2024, the oppressive regime ruling over Iran has so far executed at least 953 people, solely through hanging; about 33 of them were women, and a total of 8 political prisoners have been executed.” The full text of the campaign’s statement is as follows: Joining of Roudsar Prison to the “No to Execution Tuesdays” Campaign in the 48th week Qezel Hessar Prison: A place of execution that accounts for 17% of the country’s total executions. On the occasion of the New Year, we extend our congratulations for the birth of Jesus Christ, the messenger of peace and freedom, and wish for a year free from oppression, executions, and bloodshed for all nations, especially Iranians who are suffering under the tyrannical rule of the Velayat-e Faqih. Today, the campaign issued a statement, congratulating the birth of Jesus Christ and writing: “In 2024, the oppressive regime ruling over Iran has so far executed at least 953 people, solely through hanging; about 33 of them were women, and a total of 8 political prisoners have been executed. This year, about 96 Kurdish citizens and 101 Baluchi citizens have also been among those executed. Qezel Hessar Prison in Karaj, as the primary execution center, is a killing ground that accounted for 158 executions in 2024, representing about 17% of the total executions in the country. The “No to Execution Tuesdays” campaign has exposed parts of the crimes and executions that have taken place in prisons across the country, aiming to give a voice to the nameless prisoners under death sentences. The exposure of these crimes by the campaign and other political and human rights organizations has led to the inclusion of Qezel Hessar Prison in international sanctions lists after years of executions and bloodshed. Last week, on Wednesday, December 19, 2024, the execution-hungry regime hanged a Kurdish political prisoner named Rahim Barin in Mahabad Prison after 19 years of torture. Another political prisoner, named Rezgar Baigzadeh Babamiri, who was arrested during the 2022 protests in Bukan, is currently facing charges of “moharebeh” (waging war against God) and “baghy” (rebellion) at Branch 10 of the Revolutionary Court of Urmia. There is a real threat of his execution. In light of the wave of widespread executions that has reached its peak across the country, several prisoners in Roudsar Prison in Gilan Province announced in a letter this week that they would join the “No to Execution Tuesdays” campaign and go on hunger strike. At a time when the regime is unable to resolve the major structural crises and has declared the country to be on holiday or semi-holiday, the implementation of death sentences continues without a single day off. It seems as if the machinery of execution and death is unstoppable. As we have emphasized many times, it is clear that the regime resorts to repression and executions to prevent popular protests, and all executions in Iran are political. Therefore, the members of this campaign once again call on all civil and human rights organizations, both inside and outside the country, to make serious efforts to prevent executions in Iran. The key to victory and halting the execution machine is solidarity and collective unity. We can, and we must, stand against the death penalty in order to stop this systematic killing. The members of the “No to Execution Tuesdays” campaign will be on hunger strike on Tuesday, December 24, 2024, in the 48th week, in the following 28 prisons:
Evin Prison (Women’s Ward, Ward 4 and 8) Qezel Hessar Prison (Units 3 and 4) Karaj Central Prison Greater Tehran Prison Khorin Varamin Prison Arak Prison Khorramabad Prison Asadabad Isfahan Prison Dastgerd Isfahan Prison Shayban Ahvaz Prison Shiraz Nezam Prison Bam Prison Kahnouj Prison Tabas Prison Mashhad Prison Qaemshahr Prison Rasht Prison (Men’s and Women’s Sections) Ardabil Prison Tabriz Prison Urmia Prison Salmas Prison Khoy Prison Naqdeh Prison Saqez Prison Baneh Prison Marivan Prison Kamyaran Prison Roudsar Prison in Gilan (Source: