January 5, 2025: January 5, 2025 - Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia Sees Unprecedented Number of Executions in 2024 A new report by the European Saudi Organisation for Human Rights (ESOHR) highlights the record-breaking number of executions carried out by Saudi Arabia in 2024. Averaging an execution every 25 hours, the nation carried out a historic 345 executions in 2024, a dramatic increase from the 172 executions the previous year. The death penalty, supposedly reserved for the most extreme cases, continues to serve as a primary tool for punishment, intimidation, and political and social oppression. The report highlights the increased discretionary imposition of the death penalty, as 141 of executions were for taazir offenses, which often include non-serious offenses such as political accusations, expressing opinions, and drug-related offenses. 2024 also saw a newfound lack of transparency from the Ministry of Interior, who did not disclose the type of sentence in 39 cases. According to ESOHR, these were also likely taazir death sentences, as most of these rulings were handed down by the Specialized Criminal Court for terrorism. In total, the report notes an increase of more than 11% for taazir executions (specified and unspecified), which comprised 48.7% of all executions. Of those executed, 138, or 31%, were foreign nationals, representing a significant increase from the 38 foreign nationals executed in 2023. ESOHR identified 15 nationalities among those executed, with Yemenis (27) and Pakistanis (25) being the most represented. On January 1, 2025, Saudi Arabia announced the execution of six Iranian nationals for smuggling hashish. Moreover, 2024 saw the highest number of women executed in the country’s history at nine, marking a 50% increase from 2023. Executions for drug-related offenses dramatically increased from two in 2023 to 122 in 2024, comprising 35% of all executions. Of those executed, 77% were foreign nationals. After a nine-month pause, executions for drug-related offenses resumed in May 2024. The report notes that drug-related executions highlight Saudi Arabia’s “inconsistency, confusion, and lack of trust” and undermine faith in recent pledges to reform.
https://www.esohr.org/en (Source: esohr.org)