IRAN - Iman Shokrollahzadeh |
IRAN - Iman Shokrollahzadeh Executed in Qazvin on March 5
March 5, 2025: March 5, 2025 - IRAN. Iman Shokrollahzadeh Executed in Qazvin on March 5 According to information obtained by Iran Human Rights, a man was hanged in Qazvin (Choobindar) Central Prison on 5th March. His identity has been established as Iman Shokrollahzadeh, a father of two and chicken farm worker from Takestan, in Qazvin. Informed sources told IHR: “Iman was accused of getting into a fight with someone in the chicken farm which led to the other person’s death 5 years ago.” At the time of writing, his execution has not been reported by domestic media in Iran.
https://iranhr.net/en/articles/7401/ https://hengaw.net/en/news/2025/03/article-19 (Source: IHR)