April 17, 2020: The Hand off Cain-Spes contra spem association convened its Board of Directors on Saturday, April 18 from 2.30 pm to 8.00 pm. The debate will take place remotely and will be broadcast live on Radio Radicale and on the social channels (Facebook and YouTube) of the association. For the exponents of the association, Sergio D'Elia, Secretary, Rita Bernardini, President and Elisabetta Zamparutti, Treasurer it is a matter of “making a virtue of necessity and giving ourself a few hours of good air, that of dialogue, after the Congress of 20 and December 21 in Opera prison and in the midst of the "quarantine bis" situation to which we are forced (yes, bis, because it has just been extended for another month, hoping it will not be stabilized in the ordinary regime as it was at some point for 41 bis). " The decision to convene the Board of Directors of Hands off Cain-Spes contra Spem was taken because “We are in the midst of an emergency called health, but which risks becoming - as is now the practice and, even, rule in the history of our Country - "state of emergency" in which the State emerges with all its armamentarium of exceptional rules and procedures, special means and powers. Here too, for us, it is a question instead of bringing out and affirming states of conscience and law oriented towards universal human values, of which in the last week - truly holy - Pope Francis has been an extraordinary interpreter, witness and messenger."
The agenda of the meeting includes among the items under discussion:
1) the general situation we are in, starting from that of Justice and Prisons as decisive indicators of the state of Democracy in our country and ongoing initiatives (suspension of pre-trial detention and a moratorium on post trial detention; exercise of the power of clemency; amnesty and pardon, not only in Italy; class action; appeals to the ECHR);
2) the General Motion of the Opera Congress and the commitments contained therein and finally the 2020 subscription campaign with the aim of the 2,000 members of Hands off Cain.
After the introductory reports of the governing bodies, among the interventions planned, there are those of the Honorary Presidents of Hands off Cain - Spes contra spem: Santi Consolo, former President of the DAP (Department of Prisons) and professors Tullio Padovani and Andrea Saccucci; of the constitutionalists who are members of the Board of Directors Andrea Pugiotto and Davide Galliani together with the jurists Pasquale Bronzo and Giorgio Spangher and the lawyers Antonella Mascia, Maria Brucale, Giampaolo Catanzariti, Deborah Cianfanelli, Pina di Credico, Simona Giannetti, Roberto Ghini, Veronica Manca, Beniamino Migliucci, Luigi Paccione, Giuseppe Rossodivita, the journalists Tiziana Maiolo and Piero Sansonetti and the authors of the documentary film "Spes contra spem-Liberi dentro" Ambrogio Crespi and Luigi Crespi.