IRAN - 2 men executed in Kerman on January 8
January 8, 2023: 2 men executed in Kerman on January 8 Mohammad Rasul Shah Bakhsh and Akhtar Mohammad … According to Haal Vsh, on Sunday, January 8, 2023, two Baloch prisoners named Mohammad Rasul Shah Bakhsh (Noti Zahi) and Akhtar Mohammad (surname unknown) were executed on drug charges. Mohammad Rasul Shah Bakhsh (Noti Zahi) was the son of Anoushirvan, 44 years old, married and had several children. In 2015, when arresting Mohammad Rasool Shah Bakhsh, the agents shot 8 bullets in his stomach and leg and injured him. He was sentenced to death by the Kerman court without having the right to a lawyer. There is no information about the full name and details of the other prisoner who was executed in Kerman prison. (Source: IHRS)