Sergio D'Elia, General Secretary of HOC |
March 19, 2008: Radical Parliamentarian Sergio D’Elia said at a demonstration of solidarity with the Tibetan people in Rome that "the Dalai Lama needs our help and international support as well, because he risks being isolated. If he resigned from political responsibility it would represent the defeat of the cause for a free Tibet."
Just returned from Daramshala, India, where he participated in the “March To Tibet”, D’Elia announced that the members of the Tibetan Parliament in exile have just started a hunger strike.
To help the Tibetans’ cause, D'Elia wants the creation of an international inquest into the violence of recent days. He is also asking for an urgent meeting of the European Union General Affairs Council to pressure China to start a dialogue with the Dalai Lama and renounce violence and repression. The Radical Parliamentarian added that the United Nations Council of Human Rights must also address the issue.
D'Elia is against a boycott of the Olympic Games: "we will not help the Tibetans or the Chinese with a boycott. China doesn’t need to be isolated. China needs to be invaded by the non violent weapons of knowledge and dialogue."
D’Elia finished his speech yelling "Vergaloo", the hymn that the Tibetan monks march under that "means victory for Tibet." (Sources: AGI, 19/03/2008)